



About Zenkoji

Inherent the Religious Tradition of Shinshu
The One & Only Temple Independent from Sect

Zenkoji has been deeply worshiped for about 1,400 years.
Enshrining the main image "Amida Triad Sharing One Halo", which is said to be the oldest Buddha statue in Japan.
Since it was built before the concept of sect in Buddhasim was invented, it has been being a unique temple that independent from sect and denomination.
The temple is also also worshiped by many famous Japanese samurai and daimyō like Minamoto no Yoritomo, Shingen Takeda, Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Today, Zenkoji is the largest wooden temple in eastern Japan, which is visited by about 6 million people annually.


What is morning O-asaji?

Morning Service in the Majestic Japan
Important Cultural Property

"O-asaji", the morning religious service of Zenkoji, which starts at sunrise.
It is the practice that continues for 365 days without missing even one day.
This is also a memorial service for all monks in the mountain of Zenkoji.
The scene of the master holding a red umbrella with the bell sound is reflecting
the solemn image of Zenkoji.

お朝事の流れ お朝事の流れ

Flow of O-asaji

From Shukubo to Zenkoji
Walking While listening to the Guide's Story

From the shukubo to Zenkoji, let's take a walk while listening to stories from certified guides such as the history of the temple and the origin of the shukubo. You are able to experience where the stories and history have been accumulated while walking around the places.


Receiving Buddhist Rosary
Blessing from the Zenkoji Chief Priest

The top priest of Zenkoji, heads to the main hall in the signal of "Bell of All" ringing. When one worships with the knees on the ground on the left side of the road, he/she will be able to receive the blessing and the Buddhist Rosary from the top priest.


Overwhelmed by the Majestic Creation
Chancel of the Main Hall

The chancel of the Main Hall (HONDO) is about 248 m2 (150 tatami mats) in size. You will be overwhelmed by the magnificence of the many golden hanging decorations, the 25 Bodhisattva in between the columns, and the "Ruridan" (lapis lazuli altar) where the main image is enshrined.


The Echo of the Monks
Buddhist Music "Shōmyō"

The Buddhist music "Shōmyō", which is said to be the source of folk songs, and "Jōruri" (traditional Japanese narrative music), will begin when all the monks sit down. By listening to the powerful voice, you would be set free from confusion and regain a peaceful mind.


The Master Enters the Inner Sanctuary
Buddhist Chant begins

The master joins the inner sanctuary (NAIJIN) and the sutra chanting begins. After praying to the Buddha and the "Namu Amida Butsu" is chanted ten times, the attendees of the morning religious service join hands and worship.


The Curtains Put Down with the Sound of the Bell End of Morning Religious Service

When the cutains will be down with the sound of the bell, meaning the morning religious service is over. When the masters leave the main hall, and one worships with the knees on the ground on the left side of the road, he/she will be able to receive the blessing and the beads of the master putting on your head.



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